The No BS Coach
AKA: how everything you believe about money is screwing you over &
WTF to do about it!
Let’s get straight to the point:
What you believe (consciously and subconsciously) about money has the power to LIT-ER-ALLY make or break things in your business AND across all areas of your WHOLE LIFE.
So when it comes to getting your mitts on the LIMITLESS WEALTH that’s available to YOU, I’m on a mission to make sure you create a CLEAR path of least resistance between you and it!
A year ago I shared my life changing money program ‘R.I.C.H!’ bringing together 2 DECADES of understanding money and entrepreneurship.
But what I’ve come to understand in the past year has me feeling a weird mixture of LIBERATION and REGRET.
I won't lie...I've found myself wishing I’d connected these dots sooner.
Because I'm ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN I wouldn’t be ‘only’ celebrating going from making 40K a year in my birth business to moving towards 120K per year and rising…
I’d be celebrating a MILLION - FO SHO
I shared everything I knew inside of ‘R.I.C.H!’ and the shifts people experienced through that information were nothing short of seismic.
People hit their 100K milestones with ease! Clients flowed like water! Cars and pay rises came 'out of the blue'! Business opportunities BLEW TF UP!
5K months…8K months…10K months…all became really normal and as a result:
But you need to know that what I’m bringing to the table in this program is a whole NEW, DEEP next level of understanding.
Things that were theoretical or hypothetical a year ago are now firmly GROUNDED REALITY
For me and countless clients.
What I've realised is some VERY CRUCIAL pieces of the puzzle are being missed.
And they ripple out and bring new context and impact to every other part of this information.
If you do this work with me, in 3 years…maybe less, trust me, you’re going to look back and be so fucking GRATEFUL that this version of you, believed in you.
Who knew it was time to change.
Who took a risk.
Who decided to go all in.
Believe me: this shit is WAY bigger than 'MONEY MINDSET'.
You CAN NOT simply think yourself wealthy. Something way fucking DEEPER and more powerful than your THOUGHTS is in the drivers seat.
And I am going to show you WHAT and exactly HOW to access it.
We are moving beyond a conversation about scarcity.
We are moving beyond the concepts of abundance.
10 modules and we are going BALLS DEEP!
You’re going to understand who you are around money like NEVER BEFORE and if you joined me for R.I.C.H! last year, STRAP YOURSELF IN bitches, because a fuck ton of new fucking information DROPPED.
You’re getting LIFETIME ACCESS.
The bonuses and resources are NEXT LEVEL and I can confidently guarantee you this: you WILL have MASSIVE breakthroughs.
RICH AF! will change the fucking GAME and you step into your life and biz on a whole different frequency…and fuck only knows what could happen for you in 2024!!!
This new information has shown me that even with a 6 FIGURE YEAR under my belt and having banked, invested and added 10s of thousands effortlessly to my net worth, in 2023 I’ve actually been playing it REALLY FUCKING SMALL.
I know...I said what I said...
The girl who left school at 15 and was a broke single mum with nowhere to live by the time she was 23...was playing it small
The woman who created so much money so fast PayPal shut her down for suspected money laundering...was still playing it small
The single mum who walked away from a secure, high paying job with a mortgage and private school fees to pay...playing it small
The doula who built a reputation so strong that people told her they were pregnant before they told their partners...playing it small
The entrepreneur who built a 6 figure business from scratch in less than 2 years...
She’s been playing it really small.
And it stops RIGHT HERE - RIGHT NOW.
I’m so fucking excited for who WE get to be in 2024!
YOUR INVESTMENT: £555 which can be paid in full or over 3 months.
Start the journey to financial freedom NOW. LFG!


My Other Offers and Programs
This 5-day Mini Mastermind or 'MicroMind' is 5 LIFE CHANGING Days of voice coaching for heart-led entrepreneurs with Lisa & Faye Ceyhan from BirthBizBabes!
Wanna know the all the things I would be doing if I were building a business from scratch??
Shameless brag: I've been absolutely rocking the socks off the entrepreneurial game for TIME and my superpower is helping people like YOU turn into business badasses too.
OMFG I remember it all too well…
Being a 30 something mum of a teenager and 2 kids under 2...feeling like some kind of real life Sonic The Hedgehog whirl-winding my way through every day...
Chucking the kids at Keith as soon as his key touched the door and bombing off to a potential client interview…all good intentions of an afternoon shower out the fucking window…giving my pits a quick sniff to make sure I wasn’t too ripe to be in polite society…
The Trust Fall has taken on a life of its own. The magic in this creation has gone waaaay beyond anything I could've dreamed of before we'd even got started...
We've all seen a Trust Fall...
Where someone literally falls backwards, eyes closed, arms outstretched, FULLY trusting that someone...something....that they can't see or touch...has got their back...
that they are abso-fucking-loutely HELD and SUPPORTED.
Explore current offers for private 1:1 life and business coaching with Lisa Sykes. Choose from intensives, mid-term plans, or year-long commitments, all with flexible payment plans. Enjoy personalised sessions, voice coaching support and access to paid group programs.