The No BS Coach
Did you know that only 6% of businesses ever hit 6 figures... yeah yeah...blah blah unicorn blah. 🦄
Wanna know what I thought
the first time I heard this?
‘Meet you in The 6% bitches!’
And I’m taking you with me.
The Membership for
🦄 BIG Impact + BIG income 🦄
Take a moment and go on a little journey with me…
It’s 2 years from today…
You’re looking back IN AWE of what
you've created in your business.
Your programs?
Standing room only...chocka block...
all. the. time.
People are hitting pay before you even had chance to tell your VA to hit send on that email sequence
(yes, you’ve got an assistant now 😉)
20K months feel as natural to you as supporting a woman in labour.
Your inbox is filled with dreamy client after dreamy client asking:
'When can we get started?!'
OFC it's always the top package...
and they're keen beans ready to sign on the dotted line and pay in full. TODAY.
And the best bit: you're making more money than ever before working in a way that finally feels EXACTLY how you imagined it would when you trained.
Unrestricted 💖 Well Paid 💕 Free 💖
You've not just built a 'side hustle'
to try and replace your 9-5...
You've built a booming brand
You've built a solid reputation
So now selling your services feels as effortless
as making your morning brew 🫖
and showing up online never felt more fun! 💫
And because you now have an assistant (remember your VA!)
your days off are actual days off.
Sound bath? Why TF not!
Cheeky nap? I mean, go on then!
Take the kids to soft pl...actually no ta LOL
A lil 'afternoon delight' with your OH?
Hey, it's your dream life! I'm not judging!
Remember all the anxiety, self doubt and overwhelm you used to feel about making your biz work?
GONE. Poof! Vanished.
You definitely remember it used to be a thing...but you can't for the life in you access the feeling anymore...
Coz it's like you've got an unconditionally loving cheerleading squad of birth biz besties installed inside your brain, drowning out all the critical voices.
Comparison? Who's she?
You're feeling unwaveringly
confident about your future instead
It can be YOUR reality.

How? Because you've mastered The 6% Way.
I specifically created The 6% for people like
you and me, who have traditionally been
under paid and under valued,
over looked and over worked for
Respectfully, not on my watch.
The 6% is where we position you and your services as a necessity, not a 'nice to have'
and I teach you exactly how to become a:
🦄 10K Doula
🦄 100K Midwife
🦄 Sold Out + Sought After Coach
(bc I’ve created every single one of the above, and know EXACTLY what it takes)
🗣️ Listen: you bloody KNOW you were put on this planet to do what you do:
it's not what you 'do' it's who you 'are'.
And you're REALLY good a your shizzle.
chefs kiss gooooood. 🧑🍳 💋
You'd happily spend all day, everyday
thinking about your biz and being
in front of your clients… 🥰
Buuuttttt it sometimes feels like that's all you're doing and the numbers in the bank?
Well let's just say they're not 'numbering'.
You love to ‘over deliver’ but you end up ‘over giving’ and, at times, there’s basically fuck all left to give…
to anyone around you…
DIDDLY SQUAT left for you. 🙃
And coz you’re spinning every plate and wearing every friggin' hat in the biz, instead of sitting down to work through your ever growing ‘to do’ list of things that need to happen behind the scenes, you numb out, scrolling on your phone or 'sleep eat' your way through a family pack of Monster Munch and
half a dozen Krispy Kreme. 🤤
it doesn’t have to be like this!

The 6% is way more than a place to get biz coaching and make money.
The 6% is the antidote to society guilt tripping you for getting well paid for things it doesn't give a shit about.
The 6% is where you put an end to the weaponisation of your kindness and altruism.
The 6% if for you if:
✅ You want to feel just as confident ‘backstage’ in your biz as you do when you’re centre stage shining like a MFer and doing the thang only YOU can do!
✅ You’re ready to ditch the self doubt, imposter syndrome and Olympic standard procrastination and get TF on with building your (F)EMPIRE.
✅ You want a biz that generates cash while you blow out 💤 😴
✅ You want clients forming an orderly queue for your services, credit card in hand ready to book your top packages, and pay in full, TODAY.
✅ You want to be the #1 aka the dog's dangly bits in your niche and in your area.
✅ You're in for the long haul and as much as you came into this work to create BIG impact, you are ready to claim the BIG income now as well!
You’ll arrive in The 6% and see people celebrating 18K months and think ‘how TF did they do it?!’
and yet 4 months later you're celebrating the exact same thing because the idea of competition and comparison has literally dissolved bc you own your uniqueness...and once you do, it’s impossible not to absolutely thrive.
You think you’re going to come into The 6% and learn how to get more clients, how to make more money and how to create your first source of passive income.
Frankly, this shit is bare fucking minimum. 😏
The skills you master inside The 6% are’t just going to be working for you 6 months from now, they’re going to be working for you 5 YEARS from now because we create safety in moving FAST, and now you’re the CEO who’s speaking on stages…starting a second business and…getting that book published (yep, some real life results from real life clients inside The 6%)

⬆️ actual footage of you after you've been '6%-ed' by me ⬆️
There are 2 Levels inside The 6%
Level 1: Empowerment + Activation
💥 L1 = access to 60+ hours of on demand content and downloadable resources including 'Birth Biz Physiology: How to Plan Your Dream Birth Biz!', The Fundamentals (formerly The Activation MicroMind) + kick ass programs on money, sales, brand strategy, email marketing, social media, mindset magic, creating your vision, somatic practices and visualisations for you to lead yourself through and implement at your own pace.
💥 I'm teaching you everything I've used to build my biz way beyond 6 Figures and to support my clients to hit their first 10K months and 6 Figure Years!
💥 Binge the on demand content alone and you've just gobbled up THOUSANDS of £££ value. 🤯
💥 Every future, brand new LIVE Program and paid Masterclass will be hosted in The 6% and there's something kicking off each month!
💥 PLUS regular exclusive trainings NOT AVAILABLE to buy anywhere else added to the content library.
💥 You’ll have access to community groups and The Kitchen Table: the place I built my 6 Figure Business from and the heart and soul of the The 6% community hub.

Level 2: Elevation + Integration
💥 L2 gives you allll the L1 goodness PLUS loads of extra support from yours truly!
💥 L2 gives you additional feedback inside the program support groups PLUS you’re getting monthly community coaching calls and weekly Q&As in our Private Telegram Channel: ‘The Backstage Broadcast’.
💥 You'll get the inside scoop on what’s happening in and around my biz, mini audio trainings for you to learn from PLUS you’ll be able to drop your questions on your weekly Q&A days for me to help you keep the momentum between our trainings and monthly L2 coaching calls. 😲

Oh...did I mention there's an app yet?!!?
There is LITERALLY NO-ONE else out there who knows how to fast track you to 10K months and 100K years like I do.
I haven’t just learned this shit - I LIVE it.
No-one who can ‘claim’ to have had these results with people just like you. 😏
Because no one else has. 💅🏻
The truth is other coaches are pussy footing around, and avoiding telling
you EXACTLY what you need to hear.
They’re telling you ‘well done! this looks great’ when it’s a fucking dumpster fire and treating you like you’re an emotionally unstable 4 year old at a non competitive sports day.
And you wonder why you’re confused AF about why you’re getting
nowhere fast.
We might be sparkly unicorns all up in here but believe me when I say there’s no ‘flowery’ ‘pink and fluffy’ coaching happening on my watch.
I’m not going to dance around and pander to your self sabotaging
The 6% has literally been DESIGNED to remove every single distraction that’s getting in the way of you and that BIG impact, BIG income life.
I’m going to tell you exactly when YOU are the one getting in the way of getting results.
NGL, when my truth bombs drop, it’s a bit like getting a slap round the face followed by a hug.
But when that slap in the face leads to your first 6-figure year, we’ll all be celebrating TF out of you.
Everything is designed to get you to your dream scenario - ASAP.
And the only time you’re gonna be leaving is when you cant make the calls bc too busy counting tenners and having factor 50 rubbed on your shoulders on your 8th holiday of the year

💥 The 6% is not for the ‘watchers’ and the ‘hopers’. It’s for the ‘doers’ and the ‘deciders’.
💥 The 6% is where you steal a march on your own BS.
💥 The 6% is where the shared mission and community inspires you to be braver...reach higher...
💥 The 6% is where you learn how to build your brand and sell your shizz effortlessly.
💥 The 6% is where ideas are popping like popcorn because loads of brains are better than one.
💥 The 6% is where you learn waaaay more than you imagined, because it’s not just your questions getting answered: now you’re anticipating potential obstacles and jumping over them before they even have a chance to trip you up.
💥 The 6% is where there’s no more procrastination, because you have a place to 'drop in' and get support between training and coaching calls
💥 The 6% is where you're shooting for big AF goals you only dreamed of before, bc now you’re thinking 'if it’s happening for them' then why TF not me?!
The impact of your work is not transactional.
It’s transformational.
We’re moving outside of the paradigm of ‘hourly rates’.
That way of thinking and working is D.E.A.D. 🪦
This is much much bigger than that.
The work we do inside the 6% is about your evolution, not your next ego stroke. And it’s why you’ll come
for the “how”, yet stay for “who” you’re becoming
You’re confident, brave AF and raising your prices (hello, mindset work inside The 6%).
You’re raking in the big bucks and hiring an assistant (hi there strategy inside The 6%)
You’re known as THE go-to in your niche
(welcome to the brand work inside The 6%)
💫 You haven't just become a Successful Business Owner.
You’ve become the most high definition #noregrets, world changing, legacy creating CEO who motivates and inspires themselves and everyone they cross paths with.
The 6% isn’t transactional:
it’s fucking transformational.
And I’d frikkin' L.O.V.E. love,
to support you in there.
Right now the Level 1 Member investment is just £195 per month with a 6 month minimum commitment.
The Level 2 Member investment is only £295 per month investment with a 6 month minimum commitment.
Real value calculated at well over £1K a month
and rising with every new program and masterclass that's added!
After your minimum commitment,
you can cancel any time.
I love you.
I believe in you.
Let’s bloody go!!
The 6 Percent
The home of BIG impact + BIG income with Lisa Sykes.
The 6%: Level 1 Access
195£Every month6 month min commitment then cancel anytime.- INSTANT access to 60+ hours of on demand content
- Diverse expanding library of training for 6 figure success!
- Listen in on Q+As and additional audio support from Lisa
- Brand, Strategy, Sales, Money, Content, Copy, Offer Creation
- Email Marketing, Systems, Funnels + Passive Income
- Exclusive trainings and wellbeing sessions
- The Kitchen Table + Community Groups
- Access to ALL new LIVE Programs + Paid Masterclasses
- PLUS Listen 'Only Access' to The Backstage Broadcast
- Listen to weekly Q+A and regular 'mini audio trainings'
- Get all the BTS on growing a 6 figure FEMPIRE!
The 6%: Level 2 Access
295£Every month6 month min commitment then cancel anytime.- All Level 1 Benefits PLUS
- Monthly Community Coaching Calls + Weekly Q&As
- Your questions answered to move your biz forwards
- Access to 'specific to you' coaching with Lisa every month!