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The No BS Coach

Life Lessons from The Alchemist

OMFG I remember it all too well…

Being a 30 something mum of a teenager and 2 kids under 2...feeling like some kind of real life Sonic The Hedgehog whirl-winding my way through every day...


Chucking the kids at Keith as soon as his key touched the door and bombing off to a potential client interview…all good intentions of an afternoon shower out the fucking window…giving my pits a quick sniff to make sure I wasn’t too ripe to be in polite society…


Scouting my hair for food in the rear view mirror of my beat up Peugeot 106:


DID I brush my teeth this morning? (licks back of hand... sniffs…)


What month did I last have sex?


Sid was 10 months old and still breastfeeding when I was called out to my first birth as a doula.

I felt so fucking proud of myself and my blossoming biz...AND simultaneously like THE worst piece of shit mum on the planet


Literally putting MY dreams before the needs of my favourite…I mean YOUNGEST child


How VERY dare you


*drum roll*


And the winner of ‘Shit Mum of the Year Award 2011’ (West Yorkshire Region) goes to…..




CONFESSION TIME: I abso-fucking-loutely DID wish time would hurry the fuck up.

I also felt EXTRAORDINARILY bad about that too….but ya know, I'll just pop that on the ‘Mum Guilt’ list


‘You’ll never get this time back!’ ‘They wont be little forever!’


On more than 8769 occasions I did wonder if I was fucking EVERYTHING UP in search of MY (selfish) dreams. I also said to myself approximately the same number of times ‘maybe you should wait until…’


The kids are older


You’ve had more than 5 hours of unbroken sleep

Here's your first Life Lesson from The Alchemist


Toddlers become teens, perimenopause will fuck with your sleep and it’s sooooo fucking true that life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.

What if you could enjoy the ride?

What if you could stop wishing time away, hoping things will be different when *INSERT any random point in the future* and feel GREAT or even *gasp* INCREDIBLE about EXACTLY where you are right now?


What if instead of being like a 15 year old boy jack rabbiting his way to the money shot, you could SAVOUR it…make it the anticipation of EVERYTHING THAT’S POSSIBLE something that keeps you going…and going…and going….like an edgy orgasm that lasts fo...


(sorry got distracted there for a mo)


How would it feel to:




Step into each phase…each lesson…each chapter with confidence…self acceptance







Wouldn’t it be bloody marvellous to be able to tune out the noise of everyone else’s judgements and expectations, slow TF down and HEAR YOUR HEART


When you start most things, you WILL inevitably get to the ending


But when you know how to switch off the noise…the voice of impatience and pressure…the lessons and opportunities that are LITERALLY under your nose are limitless.


Let me lead you through the book that TOTALLY changed the game for me.


Every time I've read it...every time I've listen to it...I've learned to listen to myself more.


I've been able to see how even when you're in the middle of an absolutely shit storm, you might just be in the greatest moment of your life.


I've learned more and more how saying YES to my dreams has been one of the most POWERFUL things I could do for everyone around me...


And that when you listen to your heart...I mean REALLY're listening to the Soul of The Universe.


Allow me bring to life through the magical art of story telling the many, many, MANY


Life Lessons from The Alchemist


This life changing, soulful and expansive program includes 6 powerful modules…with LIFETIME access...because why wouldn't you savour the experience? (see what I did there...)


The investment for this program is £222, The Trust Fall credit is valid on this offer and payment plans are available.


I'd love you to join me.


Lisa x

Embark on a journey of self-discovery with 'Life Lessons from The Alchemist.' Uncover a path to self-acceptance, tune out the noise, and embrace life's challenges through this expansive program. Tap into the wisdom of your heart and the soul of the universe.
Embark on a journey of self-discovery with 'Life Lessons from The Alchemist.' Uncover a path to self-acceptance, tune out the noise, and embrace life's challenges through this expansive program. Tap into the wisdom of your heart and the soul of the universe.

My Other Offers and Programs

The LEGENDARY Activation MicroMind!



This 5-day Mini Mastermind or 'MicroMind' is 5 LIFE CHANGING Days of voice coaching for heart-led entrepreneurs with Lisa & Faye Ceyhan from BirthBizBabes!

LiftOff: 0-5K with Soul & Strategy!

Wanna know the all the things I would be doing if I were building a business from scratch??


Shameless brag: I've been absolutely rocking the socks off the entrepreneurial game for TIME and my superpower is helping people like YOU turn into business badasses too.

 Are you ready to Trust Fall?

The Trust Fall has taken on a life of its own. The magic in this creation has gone waaaay beyond anything I could've dreamed of before we'd even got started...


We've all seen a Trust Fall...


Where someone literally falls backwards, eyes closed, arms outstretched, FULLY trusting that someone...something....that they can't see or touch...has got their back...

that they are abso-fucking-loutely HELD and SUPPORTED.

Current Offers for 1:1 Coaching with Lisa

Explore current offers for private 1:1 life and business coaching with Lisa Sykes. Choose from intensives, mid-term plans, or year-long commitments, all with flexible payment plans. Enjoy personalised sessions, voice coaching support and access to paid group programs.

RICH AF! AKA: how everything you believe about money is screwing you over & WTF to do about it!


AKA: how everything you believe about money is screwing you over & WTF to do about it!

Let’s get straight to the point:


What you believe (consciously and subconsciously) about money has the power to LIT-ER-ALLY make or break things in your business AND across all areas of your WHOLE LIFE.



'Basically, every time I listen to Lisa I feel I am invited to learn something more about myself, in a safe way that helps me grow. I didn't know what I was signing up for but I trusted that the content would be valuable because even little snippets on Instagram are valuable! It didn't disappoint and I really enjoyed getting to know her a bit more personally- there is such love and rawness in this course...'


'My confidence in myself, my decision making and my intuition has grown. It made me proud of what I have achieved and know without doubt there is s much more to come! The concept of no effort is wasted has made m enthusiasm and energy soar, everything is worth it, part of the learning and the journey.'


'I loved this course, the way it was delivered with such honesty, real emotion, personal life stories and an invitation to look at our own lives and journeys through the lens of each of the weekly lessons. Lisa is utterly spell binding in the way she engages those who attend her courses, the content is engrossing and meaningful, her style is vibrant, down to earth and has you literally laughing and crying your way through deeply moving self development.'

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